Eden Project

Eden Project

The Eden Project is an educational charity that connects people with each other and the living world. Eden’s home in Cornwall is a striking contemporary space for the 21st century combining botanical garden, plant collection, park and visitor destination. The project opened on March 17, 2001, the brainchild of Co-founder Sir Tim Smit, and since then has attracted more than 22 million visitors and generated more than £2.2 billion for the regional economy. Over those two decades, ordinary people working together have transformed a disused clay mine into a paradise, blending extraordinary nature-inspired architecture with the two massive Biomes. One contains the largest rainforest in captivity, the other the Mediterranean regions of the world.

Visit their website for more info: https://www.edenproject.com

The Eden Trust is a Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee, registered in England and Wales under Charity number 1093070.