Sell Hifiman headphones quickly and easily with musicMagpie. Select the item you want to sell from the options below to get a free instant valuation.
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You can also sell mobile phones and tech at the same time. Thanks to our Tech Price Promise, you’re guaranteed to get the first price we offer for your Hifiman headphones - if we have to change our offer in any way, you can request your item back for free.
Here are just a few reasons!
You can find out instantly by selecting which item you want to sell from the options above! We base our valuations on factors like market demand and condition. When you’ve completed your order, we’ll lock in your price for 21 days to give you time to find an upgrade.
We’ll either refurbish your Hifiman headphones for a new owner or recycle them responsibly for parts. Either way, your items or its components will stay in circulation for longer, preventing e-waste and the associated environmental damage!
Sell your Hifiman Headphones with musicMagpie today!