Architecture in the garden - James van Sweden



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Architecture in the garden
James van Sweden
Frances Lincoln Limited Publishers
UK Publication Date

The elements of garden architecture - paths, walls, gates, fences, terraces, sheds, lighting, furniture, waterworks and art - together form the backbone of any well-designed garden. This illustrated and accessible book explains how to design and build a garden like a professional.

James van Sweden leads his readers on a tour through some of his gardens - in the country, the city, the suburbs and by the sea. Case studies highlight architectural elements, breaking each one down into practical ideas that any gardener can apply to his or her own garden. There are dozens of schematic drawings that can be used to build many of the elements described, and an extensive illustrated glossary.

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James van Sweden is America's leading garden designer and landscape architect based in Washington D.C. His revolutionary garden designs often combine dramatic informal plantings with the practical beauty of architectural 'bones' that anchor his gardens to the ground. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects and the recipient of many distinguished awards. His work is published widely in gardening books and periodicals and he is a frequent guest on television and radio shows.Image - Richard Felber

Keyword Index
Gardens - Design.|Garden structures.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages

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