Dreaming of Dylan - Mary Lee Kortes



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Dreaming of Dylan - 115 dreams about Bob
Mary Lee Kortes
BMG Books
UK Publication Date

Perhaps the only subject more fascinating than the mysterious world of dreams is the mysterious world of Bob Dylan. Dreaming of Dylan brings the two together for a weird and wonderful romp through the ways the mercurial musical master shows up in our subconscious states. Celebrated writer and musician Mary Lee Kortes lovingly curated this off-kilter collection of nocturnal visions. Paired with over 100 original images and illustrations, these dreams will captivate you in ways you never expected. Bob Dylan once sang, "I'll let you be in my dreams if I can be in yours." And be in them he has! There are plenty of musical dreamers here, from the incomparable Patti Smith to Squirrel Nut Zippers frontman Jimbo Mathus to Kevin Odegard, whose guitar is heard on the memorable intro to "Tangled Up in Blue," and others. Not to mention the everyday dreamers, from plumbers to poets and pastors, from dentists to attorneys and psychotherapists. Some dreams are poignant; some are disturbing; and others are nothing short of bizarre. Taken together they're an enthralling look at what the famously enigmatic singer/songwriter represents in the deepest recesses of our minds.

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Keyword Index
Dreams.|Dreams and the arts.
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