God's love song - Dan Wells



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God's love song - Hosea
Dan Wells
Paperback / softback
The Good Book Company
UK Publication Date

Hosea is a love song, with a difference.

Love songs are everywhere. On the radio; on movie soundtracks; in the background as we shop and eat out. They're often stuck in our heads and hearts, too.

And yet their lyrics are full of desire leading to disappointment, and hope followed by heartbreak. Love songs reflect our yearning for a love that is solid and sure; and they expose our inability to find it.

The book of Hosea is a love song. But uniquely, its lyrics are about a love which will never fade; which will never disappoint; and which will never say: "Enough". The singer throughout Hosea is God: and the love He talks about is His own love, lavished upon His people. It's a love song that is surprising, raw, emotional, at times uncomfortable, but always compelling.

These eight studies will thrill you with the wonder of God's love, even as they challenge you with the truth about His people. And, as you read through Hosea, you'll be provided with a soundtrack for your life which truly is worth singing along to.

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Dan Wells is Senior Associate Minister at All Soul's Langham Place, London, and is married to Louise. After studying maths at Cambridge University, Dan taught for five years before training for ministry at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. He is a keen golfer, and supports the Denver Broncos.

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