The Good Wife: The Complete Series



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Number of Discs
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Paramount Home Entertainment
DVD / Box Set
Certificate UK

All episodes from the first seven seasons of the American legal drama series. Julianna Margulies stars as the resilient and resourceful Alicia Florrick, whose life falls apart when her state attorney husband Peter (Chris Noth) is sent to jail after becoming involved in a very public sex and political corruption scandal. In order to support herself and two teenage children, Alicia goes back to work as a defence attorney and proceeds to rebuild her life - and her independence - case by case. Season 1 episodes are: 'Pilot', 'Stripped', 'Home', 'Fixed', 'Crash', 'Conjugal', 'Unorthodox', 'Unprepared', 'Threesome', 'Lifeguard', 'Infamy', 'Painkiller', 'Bad', 'Hi', 'Bang', 'Fleas', 'Heart', 'Doubt', 'Boom', 'Mock', 'Unplugged', 'Hybristophilia' and 'Running'. Season 2 episodes are: 'Taking Control', 'Double Jeopardy', 'Breaking Fast', 'Cleaning House', 'VIP Treatment', 'Poisoned Pill', 'Bad Girls', 'On Tap', 'Nine Hours', 'Breaking Up', 'Two Courts', 'Silly Season', 'Real Deal', 'Net Worth', 'Silver Bullet', 'Great Firewall', 'Ham Sandwich', 'Killer Song', 'Wrongful Termination', 'Foreign Affairs', 'In Sickness', 'Getting Off' and 'Closing Arguments'. Season 3 episodes are: 'A New Day', 'The Death Zone', 'Get a Room', 'Feeding the Rat', 'Marthas and Caitlins', 'Affairs of State', 'Executive Order 13224', 'Death Row Tip', 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot', 'Parenting Made Easy', 'What Went Wrong', 'Alienation of Affection', 'Bitcoin for Dummies', 'Another Ham Sandwich', 'Live from Damascus', 'After the Fall', 'Long Way Home', 'Gloves Come Off', 'Blue Ribbon Panel', 'Pants on Fire', 'The Penalty Box' and 'The Dream Team'. Season 4 episodes are: 'I Fought the Law', 'And the Law Won', 'Two Girls, One Code', 'Don't Haze Me, Bro', 'Waiting for the Knock', 'The Art of War', 'Anatomy of a Joke', 'Here Comes the Judge', 'A Defense of Marriage', 'Battle of the Proxies', 'Boom De Yah Da', 'Je Ne Sais What?', 'The Seven Day Rule', 'Red Team, Blue Team', 'Going for the Gold', 'Runnin' With the Devil', 'Invitation to an Inquest', 'Death of a Client', 'The Wheels of Justice', 'Rape - A Modern Perspective', 'A More Perfect Union' and 'What's in the Box?'. Season 5 episodes are: 'Everything Is Ending', 'The Bit Bucket', 'A Precious Commodity', 'Outside the Bubble', 'Hitting the Fan', 'The Next Day', 'The Next Week', 'The Next Month', 'Whack-a-Mole', 'The Decision Tree', 'Goliath and David', 'We, the Juries', 'Parallel Construction, Bitches', 'A Few Words', 'Dramatics, Your Honor', 'The Last Call', 'A Material World', 'All Tapped Out', 'Tying the Knot', 'The Deep Web', 'The One Percent' and 'A Weird Year'. Season 6 episodes are: 'The Line', 'Trust Issues', 'Dear God', 'Oppo Research', 'Shiny Objects', 'Old Spice', 'Message Discipline', 'Red Zone', 'Sticky Content', 'The Trial', 'Hail Mary', 'The Debate', 'Dark Money', 'Mind's Eye', 'Open Source', 'Red Meat', 'Undisclosed Recipients', 'Loser's Edit', 'Winning Ugly', 'The Deconstruction', 'Don't Fail' and 'Wanna Partner?'. Season 7 episodes are: 'Bond', 'Innocents', 'Cooked', 'Taxed', 'Payback', 'Lies', 'Driven', 'Restraint', 'Discovery', 'KSR', 'Iowa', 'Tracks', 'Judged', 'Monday', 'Targets', 'Hearing', 'Shoot', 'Unmanned', 'Landing', 'Party', 'Verdict' and 'End'.

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Actor: Zach Grenier
Actor: Chris Noth
Actor: Graham Phillips
Executive Producer: David W. Zucker
Executive Producer: Brooke Kennedy
Executive Producer: Michelle King
Executive Producer: Robert King
Executive Producer: Tony Scott
Executive Producer: Ridley Scott
Actor: Alan Cumming
Actor: Julianna Margulies
Actor: Josh Charles
Actor: Christine Baranski
Actor: Archie Panjabi
Actor: Makenzie Vega
Actor: Matt Czuchry

Main Format
Keyword Index
The Good Wife: The Complete Series|Julianna Margulies
Region 2,4
Extras 1
High Definition extras tbc
Extras 2
Anamorphic(16:9), Language(s):English, InteractiveMenu, Screenratio1:1.78
Extras 3
BonusFootage, DeletedScenes, Extendedscenes
Catalogue Number

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