Healthy is the new skinny - Katie H. Willcox



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Healthy is the new skinny - your guide to a healthy body image in a picture-perfect world
Katie H. Willcox
Paperback / softback
Hay House
UK Publication Date

We live in a world where beauty is everything. Society tells us that if we just looked a certain way, if we had the right products, if we were skinny enough, then we would be enough - we would have value. Society is wrong, but it took Katie H. Willcox years to understand this:
'Over the course of my 30 short years, I have both worked as a professional model and been the exact opposite of our culture's beauty ideal. I have struggled with my weight and felt like I didn't and never would fit in. Then I had a powerful realization: my misery and self-loathing didn't change with my weight or how "pretty" society thought I was, so my looks weren't the source of happiness and worth that I had believed them to be. But then, what was? And how had I come to invest so much of myself in beliefs that were so untrue?'
In these pages, Katie shares the lessons she learned in her journey to find the answers to these questions. She reveals who gains from our feeling small and why we need to examine the messages we receive from our culture and our families. She explains how we can redefine beauty, make healthy the new "skinny", and harness the power of our thoughts to choose self-love. Katie encourages us to discover our true magnificent selves, find our purpose and pursue our dreams - and help others to do the same.

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Here's what you say about us...

Katie H. Willcox is the founder and CEO of Natural Model Management and Healthy Is the New Skinny. Founded in 2011, Healthy Is the New Skinny (HNS) promotes positive body image and lifestyles for women all over the world. HNS has been featured in a variety of publications, including People magazine, Shape magazine, The Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire.

Katie Willcox's personality and her passion for healthy body image resonate throughout this entire book. Her message is both powerful and relatable. I feel that Healthy Is the New Skinny can be every girl's go-to guide for empowerment and body positivity!
Robyn Lawley, international supermodel, designer and author of 'Robyn Lawley Eats'

A lively and useful guide to understanding and overcoming the destructive messages of the beauty ideal. Katie Willcox shares her journey with wisdom, insight, and humor, encouraging us to love our bodies and reclaim our power - not just to improve our own lives but also, more importantly, to change the world.
Jean Kilbourne, Ed.D., activist, speaker, creator of the film series 'Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women', and author of 'Can't Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel'

Katie Willcox is such a positive voice for balance, wellness, and radiant self-confidence in the online world and modeling industry. Now, with this book, I am thrilled that she will be able to reach even more people with her message. (YES for 'girl gangs'!) I can absolutely relate to the struggle to find inner confidence that Katie writes so thoughtfully about - and, man, all I can say is that once you do find it, incredible things happen! Katie tells her story
with such beauty and eloquence that, after reading this book, I feel like we are the best of friends.

Jordan Younger, founder of 'The Balanced Blonde' and author of 'Breaking Vegan'

Katie Willcox's altruistic personality and first-hand experience in the modeling industry come through in this book
to cultivate a welcoming, positive and insightful environment for women of all ages to feel empowered.

John Edward, psychic medium author, and host of 'Crossing Over with John Edward' and 'Evolve with John Edward'

Keyword Index
Body image in women.|Self-esteem in women.|Self-acceptance in women.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages
xviii, 284

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