Human resource management - Michael Armstrong



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Human resource management - strategy & action
Michael Armstrong
Paperback / softback
Kogan Page
UK Publication Date

Human resource management (HRM) came to the fore as a distinctive approach to managing people as late as the mid-1980s. Since then it has assumed enormous significance in the world of organizational and people management.;The author draws on his vast experience in this field to provide a guide to the strategic and day-to-day applications of HRM systems. To provide a completely rounded view, he also assesses the various schools of thought on HRM as well as the reservations expressed about it.;"Human Resource Management: Strategy and Action" examines each aspect of HRM in a highly accessible yet detailed way. Divided into four main sections, the book looks at: the concept of HRM - its philosophy, aims, features and how it relates to personnel management; HRM at the corporate level - how it integrates with the overall business strategy of an organization and its culture; HRM processes - how they are implemented; and HRM in action - the interrelated activities which convert its philosophies into action.;In addition, the author provides comprehensive yet succinct coverage of the most important areas of HRM activity including: managing change; achieving flexibility; total quality management; resourcing; performance management; reward management and others.

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Keyword Index
Personnel management.
Country of Publication
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