Doom: Slayer's Edition

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Release Date
Xbox One / Blu-Ray
Pegi Rating

The DOOM Slayers Collection not only brings players the blockbuster reinvention of DOOM released in 2017, but also spans the two decades leading up to it with the first three games in the series.

Originally billed as Doom 4, series developer id Software and publisher Bethesda decided that the 2017 release would be a full-scale reboot of the series. Older gamers will know the deal: the Union Aerospace Corporation has been overwhelmed by demons. One sole hope stands between them and humanity - a lone Doom marine activated to destroy every last one of them. In other words: you.

id Software emphasises what it calls 'push forward combat'. Doom is designed to reward those who move fast and kill relentlessly. There's no room in this world for players who want to take cover and recover health - instead players collect health and armour power-ups scattered across levels or kill enemies to get a boost. Gruesome demons (including classics such as the Revenant, Mancubus, and Cyberdemon) swarm over the base and its up to you to dispatch them with classic weapons such as the super shotgun and BFG 9000, as well as melee choices such as the chainsaw.

As well as the meaty 13 hour single-player campaign multiplayer makes a return, as you'd expect from the series that pioneered the deathmatch. Developed in conjunction with Certain Affinity, it features modes including traditional four-player deathmatch and team ("clan") arena, alongside domination, warpath, and freeze tag. Players can even pick up a pentagram power-up and become one of the demons featured in the game! While the game launches with nine multiplayer maps, there's plenty more to come thanks to the SnapMap feature that enables the Doom community to create and share their own maps!

Once you're done with the modern interpretation of this classic series, you can jump back in time to see how the legend began with the first three games in the franchise that effectively created the first-person shooter genre. With all that demon slaying behind you, you should be more than ready to take up arms when the fury begins again in Doom Eternal...

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