Laurel and Hardy: The Early Years



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Number of Discs
Release Date
Orbit Media
DVD / Box Set
Certificate UK

This box set contains five films and documentaries featuring Laurel and Hardy. In 'The Bohemian Girl' (1936), Laurel and Hardy play a couple of gypsies who spend most of their time playing 'fingers' and picking pockets. 'Laurel and Hardy's Laughing 20's' is the documentary that renewed an interest in Laurel and Hardy and led to a revival in television showings of their classic comedy shorts. In 'The Flying Deuces' (1939), Ollie's broken heart lands Laurel & Hardy in the Foreign Legion. 'Further Perils Of Laurel and Hardy' is a film of particular interest for the young who have newly discovered Laurel and Hardy and appreciate the greatness of these comedy legends. In 'Utopia' (1951), join the comic duo as they take their last voyage into our hearts and memories and once again fill our days with laughter. Finally, 'Laurel and Hardy Memories' is a documentary that contains carefully selected digitally restored exerpts from the lives of Laurel and Hardy, beginning with the full programme of 'This is Your Life' which was broadcast live in December 1954. We then visit Stan and Ollie at the studio for their only other appearance in a Western other than 'Way Out West' in a rare and seldom-seen sketch. This is followed by the only colour film of the two great stars, 'Tree in a Test Tube' and then on to a Hollywood party which they gatecrash and get up to all sorts of hi-jinx. These sketches are shown together with rare footage of their 1932 UK tour along with interviews and the duo's last film appearance together.

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Actor: Stan Laurel
Actor: Oliver Hardy

Main Format
Keyword Index
Laurel and Hardy: The Early Years|Stan Laurel
Region 2
Extras 1
High Definition extras tbc
Extras 2
DVD 5, Languages(s): English, Interactive Menu, Screen ratio 1:1.33, Dolby Mono
Extras 3
Documentaries: Laurel and Hardy memories
Catalogue Number

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