Let's Draw

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DS / Cartridge
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Let's Draw! takes the touchscreen on the Nintendo DS or DSi and turns it into a blank canvas for kids. All ages can get involved and learn how to draw all kinds of things, from animals to vehicles and everything besides. Even those who have not yet learned to read can enjoy this title, as each lesson is detailed via voice instructions.

Step-by-step guides ensure that kids are able to follow everything at their own leisure, and more than 100 different images can be created and brought to life thanks to the ability to add sound and animation to the drawings. Finish off your inspired handiwork, give it a few animations and sounds, and place it into one of ten mini-games. Create a creature to smack in Whack-a-Mole, draw the greatest racer in the world in Car Racing and draw the main attraction in Air Hockey.

The benefits of Let's Draw! are easy to see when you consider that a Nintendo DS doesn't involve messing around with paper or crayons. With the ability for kids to freely create whatever they want after completing the Learn to Draw mode, you can bet that the Nintendo DS will be the only thing they need to let their imaginations run wild.

We are Rated Excellent on Trustpilot
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Nintendo DS
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Keyword Index
Let's Draw
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