Miss Winbolt and the fortune hunter - Sylvia Andrew



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Miss Winbolt and the fortune hunter
Sylvia Andrew
Paperback / softback
Mills & Boon
UK Publication Date

Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuries
Lonely spinster to loved bride

Respected spinster Miss Emily Winbolt, so cool and cynical with would-be suitors, puts her reputation at risk after tumbling into a stranger's arms. Suddenly, bleak loneliness is replaced with a wanton, exciting sense of abandon. But Emily is an heiress, and her rescuer none other than Sir William Ashenden, a man of some distinction.

He needs to marry and she yearns to believe that William wants plain, upright, suddenly reckless Emily - not for her fortune, but for herself.

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Like every writer she has ever met, Sylvia Andrew is a great reader. Her preference in fiction is for thrillers and historical romances, though she is ready to read anything if desperate. However, one benefit of writing seriously is that she no longer haunts the library looking for something new to read - she is usually too busy plotting her own! Sylvia and her husband live in Maidenhead with two delightful pets, and visit their small house in Normandy whenever they can.

Paperback original
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