My kind of justice - Col Bury



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My kind of justice
Col Bury
Paperback / softback
Caffeine Nights Publishing
UK Publication Date

Newly-appointed DI Jack Striker, of Greater Manchester Police's Major Incident Team, has a dark secret, one that would land him in prison. Striker's first case seems a straight-forward gang-on-gang slaying, until a notorious youth is found hanged. Before any chance to investigate, bodies begin stacking up. With the hot breath of the brass burning his neck, including hardfaced DCI Maria Cunningham who's onto him, Striker knows this case will make or break him. The media-dubbed "Hoodie Hunter" mixes MO's, leaving few leads, and Striker recognizes the work of a highly-skilled vigilante killer. When Striker's nephew is put into a coma, it becomes personal. Desperate, he runs an unofficial op with his trusty colleagues, the stunning DC Lauren Collinge and the un-PC DC Eric Bardsley, placed in the line of fire.

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Col Bury is the former crime editor of the webzine Thrillers, Killers 'n' Chillers, for which he was voted "Online Fiction Editor of the Year" in a 2010 readers' poll. His fiction has featured in such anthologies as The Mammoth Books of Best British Crime 9, 10, & 11. He is the author of two short story collections, Manchester 6 and The Cops of Manchester.

"Dark humor, pathos, and gritty action." -Matt Hilton, author,Slash and Burn

"Stark, violent prose perfectly suits this hard-edged tale of cops in conflict."--Publishers Weekly, 11/9/2015

Keyword Index
Suspense fiction.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages

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