Nalco Champion fuel field manual - Kim B. Peyton



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Nalco Champion fuel field manual
Kim B. Peyton
UK Publication Date

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Up-to-date strategies for tackling real-world fuel-related problems

This fully revised guide shows, step-by-step, how to effectively solve fuel problems you might face in the field. Written by leading petroleum expert Kim B. Peyton, Nalco Champion Fuel Field Manual, 3rd Edition, covers the entire range of problems encountered during the refining, storage, transportation, delivery, and combustion processes. You will get the latest testing, troubleshooting, and problem solving techniques, as well as concise hazard information and detailed safety procedures. The book offers quick answers to difficult questions, taking you easily from problem to solution.

Inside, you'll find:
Crude oil and common hydrocarbon fuel properties
Identifying and solving specific fuel problems
Sources of fuel production problems
Physical and chemical measurements
Solving fuel problems using chemical additives
Start-to-finish testing methods
Fuel and fuel additive storage and injection systems
Safe shipping and hazard information
Fuel performance property and deposit analysis
Synthetic and alternative fuels

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Kim B. Peyton (from Sugar Land, TX) is the Reserach Group Leader for Nalco/Exxon Energy Chemicals.

Third edition
Keyword Index
Motor fuels.|Fuel - Testing.
Country of Publication
New York (State)
Number of Pages
xxii, 372

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