Praying for Strangers - River Jordan



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Praying for Strangers - An Adventure of the Human Spirit
River Jordan
Paperback / softback
UK Publication Date

What if there was something you could do-something simple, yet
so powerful-that could positively influence others and change your life
in the process? Critically acclaimed author River Jordan discovered
that very thing...

As 2009 approached, both of River Jordan's sons were about to go
off to war-one to Iraq and the other to Afghanistan-and she was
planning a family reunion to see them off. All River could do was pray
for her sons' safety and hope to maintain her strength, until she
unexpectedly came upon the perfect New Year's resolution-one that
focused on others instead of herself. She would pray for a complete
stranger every single day of the year.

In Praying for Strangers, Jordan tells that the discovery
that she made along the journey was not simply that her prayers touched
the lives of these strangers (in often astounding ways), but that the
unexpected connections she made with other people would be a profound
experience that would change her life forever.

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River Jordan is a critically acclaimed novelist and playwright.
She speaks around the country on the "Passion of Story," and produces
and hosts the radio program ClearStory from Nashville, Tennessee, where
she makes her home.

Country of Publication
New York (State)
Number of Pages

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