Rising Damp: The Entire Series 1-4 (Box Set)



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Number of Discs
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Cinema Club
DVD / Box Set
Certificate UK

The entire 4 series of Eric Chappell's much-loved comedy. In Series 1 (1974), a delapidated tenement provides the home for equally run-down landlord Rupert Rigsby (Leonard Rossiter) and his three tenants: the unlikely object of Rigsby's affections, Mrs Jones (Frances de la Tour); the permanently skint Alan (Richard Beckinsale); and quick-witted tribal chief's son, Alan (Don Warrington). Episodes are: 'Rooksby'; 'Black Magic'; 'Charisma'; 'Night Out'; 'All Our Yesterdays'; and 'The Prowler'. The Second Series (1975) sees a welcome return for miserly landlord Rigsby and his long-suffering tenants Alan, Philip and Ruth, and the episodes featured are: 'Permissive Society'; 'Food Glorious Food'; 'A Body Like Mine'; 'The Perfect Gentleman'; 'The Last of the Big Spenders'; 'Things That Go Bump in the Night'; and 'Moonlight and Roses'. Series 3 (1977) sees Rigsby returning from a holiday in Spain and the miserly one is less than pleased to discover that Alan has let out two of his rooms - until he discovers that one of his new clients is Miss Jones, back in his clutches following a failed romance. The episodes included are: 'That's My Boy!'; 'Stage Struck'; 'Clunk Click'; 'The Good Samaritans'; 'Fawcett's Python'; 'The Cocktail Hour'; and 'Suddenly at Home'. Finally, in Series 4 (1978), the departure of Alan leaves a gap in the household

- and Rigsby's pocket - which the grasping one attempts to fill with various lodgers, some of whom last longer than others. Episodes included are: 'Hello Young Lovers'; 'Fire and Brimstone'; 'Great Expectations'; 'Pink Carnations'; 'Under the Influence'; and 'Come On in the Water's Lovely'.

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Director: Ronnie Baxter
Director: Vernon Lawrence
Director: Len Lurcuck
Executive Producer: Duncan Wood
Producer: Ronnie Baxter
Producer: Vernon Lawrence
Writer: Eric Chappell
Music: Dennis Wilson
Actor: Leonard Rossiter
Actor: Don Warrington
Actor: Richard Beckinsale
Actor: Frances de la Tour
Actor: Gay Rose
Actor: Robert Gillespie
Actor: David Daker
Actor: Peter Bowles
Actor: George Sewell
Actor: David Swift
Actor: Peter Jeffrey
Actor: Deborah Watling
Actor: Joan Sanderson
Actor: Brian Peck
Actor: John Clive

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Keyword Index
Rising Damp: The Entire Series 1-4 (Box Set)|Leonard Rossiter
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