Rumours - Rachael Thomas



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Rumours - the secret billionaires
Rachael Thomas
Paperback / softback
Mills & Boon
UK Publication Date

Challenged to hide their identities.until desire strikes!

Italian tycoon Antonio Di Marcello relishes a challenge but running into Sadie Parker while working undercover as a mechanic rocks him to the core. Four years after their fling, he's confronted with the shocking consequences.
Greek magnate Stavros Xenakis must go undercover to win a bet - and escape his grandfather's demand that he must marry. Until encountering deliciously tempting housekeeper Calli Vasilakis proves that a convenient wife is exactly what he needs!
Tycoon Alejandro Salazar will take any opportunity to expose the Hargrove family's crime against him including accept the challenge to pose as their stable groom! Alejandro cannot allow himself to be distracted by Cecily, the gorgeous Hargrove heiress.

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Rachael has loved writing stories since she was a small child, but it was the discovery of Mills and Boon as a teenager, that started her love affair with romance. In 2013 she entered Harlequin's So You Think You Can Write competition and her entry earned her a place in the Top Ten. That entry, A Deal Before the Altar became her debut title. Rachael lives in Wales on a farm and loves exploring. Her latest adventure was in the Sahara Desert for charity - and research!

Omnibus ed
Keyword Index
Romance fiction.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages

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