Stories of Faith and Courage from Cops on the Street - Carman Grant Wolf



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Stories of Faith and Courage from Cops on the Street
Carman Grant Wolf
Paperback / softback
God & Country Press
UK Publication Date

Stories of Faith and Courage From Cops on the Street is a groundbreaking devotional book that demonstrates the vital difference men and women of faith make in law enforcement. As this is a date-specific daily devotional, stories that relate to a specific date or event (9/11/2001, major weather catastrophes, "line of duty" deaths, etc.) are strategically placed on or near the date the event occurred. This Battlefields and Blessings devotional book serves two purposes:
It offers a glimpse in to what it's really like to be in law enforcement while demonstrating the spiritual side of the law enforcement community
It presents law enforcement in a positive light as a career path filled with men and women who care deeply for the communities they serve Stories run the gamut from light-hearted (a rookie who passes out while helping deliver a baby) to not-for-the-faint-of-heart (a bank shooting and a fatal auto accident). They represent every phase of law enforcement work and demonstrate that something happened relating to the incidents that simply cannot be explained away. Some days you will weep as you identify with the authentic tragedy shared. At other times you'll laugh at situations that only other peace officers can truly identify with. Each day you will learn how God can be our refuge and fortress on each and every call. By sharing the assurance and peace that only comes from God. the writers pray that you, the reader, will be encouraged and know that he who is in the world and seeks to destroy and kill is a defenseless enemy when God is on scene with you.

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In addition to being an ordained minister and accomplished organist and pianist, with many years of service in the law inforcement community, seventeen as Executive Director of The Fellowship of Christain Peace Officers-USA (FCPO). Grant continues to serve as chaplain for the Chatanooga Police Department.

For a video regarding one of the stories in the book, see

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