SuperMotivation - Dean R Spitzer



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SuperMotivation - a blueprint for energizing your organization from top to bottom
Dean R Spitzer
UK Publication Date

A new approach to the age-old problem of motivating employees, this book presents a long-term, organization-wide cure, called "supermotivation".;The book presents a grand plan for how to "motivationally transform" an entire organization, introduces a two-pronged approach (both organizational and individual), and explains the concept of "motivators" and "demotivators", and how to identify them.;Readers learn how to: use supermotivation to creat a working environment that encourages employees to be self-motivated; identify "motivators" that exist in a company, and find ways to increase them; uncover "demotivators" and find ways to reduce or eliminate them; supermotivate the actual systems (planning, production, communication, training, evaluation and rewards) throughout the organization; provides hundreds of ways to make its principles pragmatic - examples, chapter-end action points, a demotivator identifier and motivational planner worksheets.

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Keyword Index
Employee motivation.|Organizational effectiveness.
Country of Publication
New York (State)
Number of Pages

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