The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

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Xbox / DVD
Pegi Rating

Experience life behind the eyes of Richard B. Riddick as he sets foot inside Butcher Bay, the toughest prison this side of hell. Set before the events of both Universal Pictures' upcoming summer release The Chronicles of Riddick, starring Vin Diesel, and the 2000 cult classic Pitch Black, which first introduced Diesel as enigmatic anti-hero Riddick, the game tells the story of Riddick's dramatic escape from the previously inescapable triple max security slam Butcher Bay, home to the most violent prisoners in the galaxy.

As Riddick, players have one singular goal - escape from the slam by any and all means necessary. As this least likely of heroes, players must draw on their character's brains and brutality to attempt the unthinkable - escape from Butcher Bay.

Played from a primarily first-person perspective (with special third- person actions), players will have to make maximum use of their environments to achieve their escape, including using shadows, subterfuge and distractions to avoid patrols. Moving and attacking in darkness is particularly effective for Riddick as his haunting 'eye shine' gives him the ability to see without ambient light. However, stealth won't serve every situation and players will be able to take the action up close and personal. As Riddick, players will be able to sneak up behind enemies and snap necks or fight face to face using fists, elbows and grapples. Additionally, players will be able to capture weapons such as shanks, shotguns, or assault rifles and use these to cut a swathe of destruction through anyone who gets in their way.

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