The Magick of You Oracle - Fiona Horne



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The Magick of You Oracle - Unlock your hidden truths
Fiona Horne
Rockpool Publishing
UK Publication Date

The Magick of You Oracle enhances your inner vision, helping you peel back your layers, navigate obstacles and go deep within yourself to uproot recurring problems in your life.

Untangle your challenges and emerge into the light with clarity, peace of mind and an empowered sense of purpose.

In these challenging times, inner vision can become clouded. This oracle is designed specifically for the reader to have confidence in guidance that it is true, unbiased and life-changing.

These cards will elevate you and turn your face to the sun, so that long shadows of the spirit fall behind you. You will be rebirthed on your life path and can then proceed to your next adventure.

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Fiona Horne launched a career in the entertainment industry as the lead singer of Aussie electro-rock band Def FX before authoring several best-selling books, internationally, about modern Witchcraft. She is a popular radio and television personality having appeared on many programs around the world. She is also a commercial pilot, world record-holding skydiver, professional fire dancer, yogini, freediver and SCUBA Diver. Fiona now lives in the Caribbean and is an outreach program co-ordinator and humanitarian aid worker, flying school supplies, building tools and clothing to impoverished
Author Location: U.S. Virgin Islands, Caribbean.

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