The rise of the humans - Dave Coplin



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The rise of the humans - how to outsmart the digital deluge
Dave Coplin
Paperback / softback
Harriman House
UK Publication Date

The rapid growth of our digital world has brought huge advantages - access to information anywhere, at any time, and the ability to communicate with colleagues, family and friends around the globe in real-time.But in other ways, the same technology has also disconnected us. Computers risk becoming less of a productivity tool and more like information firehoses, drowning us in a deluge of data that can keep us from doing meaningful, real work. The devices in our hands connect us like never before, but they vie for our attention to the point where they are beginning to disconnect us from the real world.In this book, Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer at Microsoft UK, argues that right now it feels like the machines are taking over but if we stop thinking about the digital deluge as a problem and instead see it as an incredible opportunity we will be able to redress the balance. Technology offers our society so much but it is up to us, the humans, to rise to that potential.

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Dave Coplin is the Chief Envisioning Officer for Bing and Microsofts UK Advertising and Online business and a leading thought leader in the UK. He has worked across a wide range of sectors and customers, providing strategic advice, leadership and guidance around the impact of technology on a modern society both at work and in play.Dave is passionate about turning the base metal of technology into valuable assets that effect the way that we live, learn, work and play and in so doing, move the focus from the technology itself to the actual outcome. Dave has contributed to a range of media articles, conferences and forums all relating to the goal of making technology less visible and more valuable in our daily lives.@dcoplin#bizreimagined

Keyword Index
Information society - Social aspects.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages

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