The Rolling Stones album file & complete discography - Alan Clayson



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The Rolling Stones album file & complete discography
Alan Clayson
UK Publication Date

The Rolling Stones are the longest surviving rock 'n' roll band in history, and probably the greatest. Formed in 1961 and originally inspired by the blues, rhythm and blues and rock 'n' roll, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards went on to become one of the greatest song-writing teams in the history of popular music and the band continues to fill stadiums worldwide. This comprehensive book lists every recording made by The Stones and gives full background details and complete musical credits. It also features album sleeves, CD and tape inserts. Packed with information relating to every song officially released on record, "The Rolling Stones: Album File and Complete Discography" includes the titles of both albums and individual tracks, release dates, composer credits, timings and comments on each track with details of who plays and sings what, together with odd bits and pieces of information to interest every fan.

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Alan Clayson has penned many books on music -- including the bestsellers Backbeat -- the subject of a major film -- The Yardbirds and The Beatles Box. He is also the author of studies of music legends, such as Roy Orbison and Jimi Hendrix, and has written for journals as diverse as The Guardian, Record Collector, Ink, Mojo, Mediaeval World, Folk Roots, Guitar, Hello!, Drummer, The Times and The Independent. He has performed and lectured on both sides of the Atlantic, as well as broadcast on British TV and radio. From 1975 to 1985, he led the legendary rock band, Clayson and the Argonauts. His talents as a record producer and composer are still in demand. He has also worked with The Yardbirds, The Pretty Things and the late Screaming Lord Sutch, among many others.

Keyword Index
Rock music - Discography.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages

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