The woman's guide to second adulthood - Suzanne Braun Levine



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The woman's guide to second adulthood - inventing the rest of our lives
Suzanne Braun Levine
Paperback / softback
UK Publication Date

Second Adulthood is a new stage of life for women. The first generation of socially emancipated women have reached an important frontier; they have fulfilled all their roles - daughter, wife, mother, career woman. Yet with longer life expectancy and better health they have no intention in retiring from the world.

At the same time these women are experiencing an often bewildering array of physical readjustments: their brains experience a growth very similar to that in adolescence, they enter menopause, their sexual and emotional rhythms change.

Such momentous challenges raise three crucial questions that each woman must answer for herself: What matters? What works? What's next?

Drawing on interviews, cutting-edge science, up-to-date trend analysis and her own struggles, Levine explores all the issues second-adulthood women confrontand offers countless stories of how others have answered those three big questions.

The Woman's Guide to Second Adulthood is the handbook and companion for every woman entering these uncharted waters. Full of information, humor and wisdom, this is a truly inspiring book.

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Suzanne Braun Levine is a journalist and a recognized authority on women, media matters, and family issues. She was editor of Ms. magazine from its founding in 1972 until 1989 and is currently a contributing editor of

Moremagazine. She is the author of Father Courage, a book about contemporary parenting, and lives in New York.

'Nothing could be more overdue, needed and filled with hope than a vision for this last and most productive third of life.'
Gloria Steinem

'Levine made me understand why I always envied older women…it just gets better - more outrageous, more radical, more passionate, less fraught, wiser, deeper and kinder.No grudges, no waiting, no bleeding, no apologies.'
Eve Ensler

'I found so many resonances with my own experiences…will have a huge impact and will clarify so many things for so many women.'
Carol Gilligan

Keyword Index
Self-actualization (Psychology) in middle age.|Middle aged women - Psychology.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages

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