
  • Sp1013706410492319
  • 7scarlet451681
  • 7scarlet451682


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Release Date
PSVita / Cartridge

7 scarlet is a beautifully interwoven story of suspense, romance, and mystery in which a brave young woman journeys into the unknown to uncover dangerous truths and locate her missing brother.

Shaped like a crescent moon, the remote town of Okunezato is shrouded in dark myths and legends. Following the disappearance of her brother, Ichiko ventures to Okunezato with her childhood friend, Hino. They find the area rife with mystery and populated by intriguing characters, each harboring their own hidden motivations. Encounter heart-racing twists and turns as you dig deeper into the mystery and use your detective skills to solve this challenging interactive puzzle. Players can explore multiple character paths and change the course of the story as it plays out against beautifully illustrated environments with dynamic background effects.

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Main Format
Keyword Index
Aksys Games

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