1,001 ways to keep customers coming back - Donna Greiner



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1,001 ways to keep customers coming back - wow ideas that make customers happy and will increase your bottom line
Donna Greiner
Paperback / softback
Crown Business
UK Publication Date

Sure-Fire, Can't-Miss Tips, Techniques, and Ideas for Building Lifelong Customer Loyalty
Imagine having the customer-service secrets of the world's most successful businesses right at your fingertips . With this book you can! Authors Donna Greiner and Theodore Kinni spent five years uncovering how Nordstrom, Southwest Airlines, Ritz-Carlton, American Express, and other world-class companies keep their customers for life. The result is 1,001 timely, entertaining, and brilliantly inventive customer-retention ideas. Inside, you'll discover the secrets to:
Creating products/services tailored to your customers' needs
Recognizing and rewarding your most profitable trophy customers
Using three kinds of guarantees to build customer trust
Turning first-time customers into frequent buyers
And much more!

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Donna Greiner and Theodore B. Kinni are cofounders of The Business Reader , a business-to-business bookseller based in Williamsburg, Virginia. The publishers of the Business Reader Review , they are the authors of three additional books exploring the best practices in management, creativity, and manufacturing, and have written articles and reviews for many magazines and newspapers.

Sure-Fire, Can't-Miss Tips, Techniques, and Ideas for Building Lifelong Customer Loyalty

Keyword Index
Consumer satisfaction.|Customer services.|Customer relations.|Customer loyalty.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages

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