We Dive at Dawn/Reach for the Sky



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Number of Discs
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DVD / Box Set
Certificate UK

A World War 2 double bill. 'We Dive at Dawn' highlights the characters (all aged only between 19 and 23 years) as much as the actual events. The British submarine Sea Tiger's crew is looking forward to a long shore-leave after months at sea. This is cut short when they are ordered to pursue and sink the German battleship Brandenburg. The crew's sub-Commander (John Mills) struggles to fulfil the mission despite discovering that the battleship is heavily defended. Along the way Sea Tiger encounters many obstacles and once the crew has attempted to sink the battleship they have to escape knowing that they are about to run out of fuel. Whilst 'Reach For the Sky' is the story of Douglas Bader (Kenneth More), the RAF pilot who despite losing both his legs in 1931 went on to fly for his country in the Second World War and become a hero of the Battle of Britain. He was finally shot down over France and remained a POW for the rest of the war but returned to England to lead a victory flight of 3,000 planes over London.

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Director: Anthony Asquith
Director: Lewis Gilbert
Producer: Edward Black
Producer: Daniel M. Angel
Writer: Val Valentine
Writer: J.B. Williams
Writer: Lewis Gilbert
Writer: Vernon Harris
Music: John Addison
Actor: Eric Portman
Actor: John Mills
Actor: Reginald Purdell
Actor: Louis Bradfield
Actor: Niall MacGinnis
Actor: Joan Hopkins
Actor: Jack Watling
Actor: Josephine Wilson
Actor: Marie Ault
Actor: Lionel Grose
Actor: Ronald Millar
Actor: Beatrice Varley
Actor: Norman Williams
Actor: Caven Wilson
Actor: Kenneth More
Actor: Muriel Pavlow
Actor: Lyndon Brook
Actor: Alexander Knox
Actor: Lee Patterson
Actor: Dorothy Alison
Actor: Eddie Byrne
Actor: Charles Carson
Actor: Howard Marion Crawford
Actor: Nigel Green
Actor: Walter Hudd
Actor: Annie Leon
Actor: Sidney Tafler
Actor: Michael Warre

Main Format
Keyword Index
We Dive at Dawn/Reach for the Sky|Eric Portman
Catalogue Number

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