Writers' & artists' yearbook 2006 - Terry Pratchett



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Writers' & artists' yearbook 2006 - a directory for writers, artists, playwrights, writers for film, radio and television, designers, illustrators and photographers
Terry Pratchett
A&C Black
UK Publication Date

The best selling guide to markets in all areas of the media, completely revised and updated, containing 8 new articles and a foreword by top author Terry Pratchett.
New articles: - Self-publishing - G.P. Taylor - Year-in-View of the publishing industry - Joel Ricketts - How to publicise your book - Isabel Losada - How to get an agent's attention - Alison Baverstock - Poetry into print - Roddy Lumsden - Getting cartoons published - Crime writing - Mark Billingham - Can you recommend an agent? - Marc Le Fanu

Listings include newspapers and magazines, book publishers and literary agents, TV and film producers, websites, picture agencies and libraries, societies, prizes, festivals and editorial services - all revised and updated.

Subjects covered in Writers' & Artists' Yearbook and not covered by its nearest rival publication include: Vanity publishing - How to get an agent - Marketing your book - Writing for the children's market - Writing for newspapers and magazines - Picture research - Artists' agencies - Writer's retreats - Art agents and commercial art studios - Card and stationery publishers - Indexing and proofreading - Who owns whom in publishing - Copyright - Income tax and social security - Book distribution

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"A must for would-be writers everywhere."
Fresh Direction (Jan 2006)

Keyword Index
Authorship - Periodicals.|Publishers and publishing - Periodicals.
Country of Publication
Number of Pages

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