The Jack Nicholson Collection



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Number of Discs
Release Date
Warner Bros. Home Ent.
DVD / Box Set
Certificate UK

Collection of four features starring Jack Nicholson. In 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' (1975), after being imprisoned for statutory rape, an unrepentant Randle Patrick McMurphy (Nicholson) is transferred to a state mental hospital where he must serve out the remainder of his sentence. Here he sets about leading his fellow inmates in a revolt against the cold and inflexible Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher) and the hospital's systematic oppression of its patients. 'Batman' (1989) sees the masked vigilante begin his crusade against crime in the city of Gotham as the fiendish Joker (Nicholson) emerges to plague the city. In 'The Bucket List' (2007) Edward (Nicholson) and Carter (Morgan Freeman), both of whom are terminally ill, manage to escape from their hospital ward and proceed to blaze a trail across the world, determined to achieve their dreams before they die. Finally, 'Mars Attacks!' (1996) follows the wacky antics of the Martians as they invade Earth as well as those of the humans trying to defeat them.

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Director: Milos Forman
Director: Tim Burton
Director: Rob Reiner
Producer: Michael Douglas
Producer: Saul Zaentz
Producer: Peter Guber
Producer: Jon Peters
Producer: Alan Greisman
Producer: Neil Meron
Producer: Rob Reiner
Producer: Craig Zadan
Producer: Tim Burton
Producer: Larry J. Franco
Producer: Laurie Parker
Writer: Lawrence Hauben
Writer: Bo Goldman
Writer: Sam Hamm
Writer: Warren Skaaren
Writer: Justin Zackham
Writer: Jonathan Gems
Music: Jack Nitzsche
Music: Danny Elfman
Music: Marc Shaiman
Cinematographer: Haskell Wexler
Cinematographer: Roger Pratt
Cinematographer: John Schwartzman
Cinematographer: Peter Suschitzky
Actor: Jack Nicholson
Actor: Louise Fletcher
Actor: Michael Berryman
Actor: Michael Keaton
Actor: Kim Basinger
Actor: Robert Wuhl
Actor: Morgan Freeman
Actor: Sean Hayes
Actor: Glenn Close
Actor: Pierce Brosnan

Main Format
Keyword Index
The Jack Nicholson Collection|Jack Nicholson
Alternative Title
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest/Batman/The Bucket List/Mars...
Region 2
Extras 1
High Definition extras tbc
Extras 2
Language(s):English, InteractiveMenu
Catalogue Number

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