During the 19th and early 20th centuries, the rugged, mountainous land through which the River Jordan flows was a region of untouched beauty and deeply held tribal traditions. 'Beyond the River' gathers over 200 black and white photographs of Transjordan from the collections of the Palestine Exploration Fund in London, taken during the dying days of the Ottoman Empire, through the First World War, and the establishment of the Hashemite Emirate of Jordan in 1921 from which the modern Kingdom evolved. These beautiful images of the peoples, monuments, and landscapes of Transjordan capture the powerful spirit of the place, and provide an unsurpassed documentation of the region's archaeological heritage, and a unique visual record of a crucial moment in Levantine history. The pictures are set in context with an introductory text and detailed captions, researched and written by the distinguished Jordanian historian, Dr. Raouf Sa'd Abujaber, and archaeologist and Curator of the PEF's collections, Felicity Cobbing.