Animated 1970s science fiction classic based on a novel by Stefan Wul. There is a sharp class division on the planet Ygam. The ruling race, the Draags, subjugate the smaller, humanoid species known as the Oms, and use them as slaves and pets. Terr (voice of Eric Baugin), a young Om, is orphaned when his mother is killed accidentally by a group of careless Draag children. One such child, Tiwa (Jennifer Drake), takes pity on the helpless Terr and adopts him as her pet. However, as he grows older Terr becomes discontented with life as Tiwa's plaything and runs away. Finding refuge with a number of savage Oms in the wilderness, he attempts to spark a revolt that will eliminate the Draags' monopoly on power.
Voice: Mark Gruner
Music: Alain Goraguer
Cinematographer: Boris Baromykin
Cinematographer: Lubomir Rejthar
Voice: Monika Ramirez
Voice: Nora Heflin
Voice: Eric Baugin
Voice: Jennifer Drake
Voice: Marvin Miller
Voice: Janet Waldo
Writer: Roland Topor
Voice: Hal Smith
Producer: Simon Damiani
Director: Rene Laloux
Writer: Rene Laloux
Voice: Olan Soule
Voice: Cynthia Alder
Voice: Barry Bostwick