Cult drama co-written and directed by Russ Meyer. The film revolves around Kelly MacNamara (Dolly Read), Casey Anderson (Cynthia Myers) and Petronella Danforth (Marcia McBroom), three girls who go to Hollywood to start a rock band. Initially managed by Kelly's boyfriend Harris Allsworth (David Gurian), the girls soon find themselves drawn into the alluring world of show business and succumbing to its many dangerous temptations.
Actor: Charles Napier
Cinematographer: Fred J. Koenekamp
Writer: Roger Ebert
Director: Russ Meyer
Producer: Russ Meyer
Writer: Russ Meyer
Music: Stu Phillips
Actor: Pam Grier
Actor: Edy Williams
Actor: Dolly Read
Actor: Cynthia Myers
Actor: Marcia McBroom
Actor: David Gurian
Actor: John La Zar
Actor: Michael Blodgett
Actor: Erica Gavin