What is the internet’s favourite 90s movie?

There were so many brilliant movies in the 90s that it’s hard to pick a favourite. Luckily, we have websites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB to help us. We’ve taken a load of classic 90s movies, added together their Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB user scores and worked out an overall …

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8 classic 90s albums that didn’t hit #1 in the UK

No-one can deny that the 90s were a great time for music, with countless classic albums released across loads of genres: grunge, Britpop, rap, techno and plenty more. However, that wasn’t always reflected in the charts. In fact, a lot of seminal albums didn’t even get close to the top …

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These 90s albums still sell by the bucketload (surprisingly!)

So many classic albums were released in the 90s that it’s hard to remember even half of them: Nevermind, Definitely Maybe, The Boatman’s Call, Parklife – the list goes on. To this day, those albums still sell by the bucketload. Surprisingly, though, some less renowned records from the 90s are …

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The 10 best selling albums of the 90s

The 90s was a fantastic time for music, with countless classic albums from now legendary artists. OK Computer, Parklife, Nevermind: the list goes on. So surely the biggest selling 90s albums in the UK is a pretty epic list, right? Erm…not quite. Prepare yourself for a shock as we delve …

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