musicMagpie plc
Modern Day Slavery Statement for the Financial Year ended 30 November 2023
musicMagpie plc (the ‘Group’) recognises that modern slavery and human trafficking are significant global issues presenting a challenge for businesses worldwide. The Group has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and supports the freedom of association, and is committed to playing its part in eradicating this within its business and supply chains. Through identifying the risk, increasing the transparency of supply chains and working collaboratively with suppliers we are committed to ensuring our organisation operates ethically. This will involve the continuous monitoring of the risks, continuous improvement of our supply chain and improved training.
The person with overall responsibility for the provisions of this statement is Chief Executive officer. The person with day to day responsibility for carrying out the provisions of this statement is the Company Secretary.
Our Business and Supply Chains
The Group is a market leader in the ‘re-commerce’ field, enabling millions of customers to sell their unwanted CDs, DVDs, Games and Tech items quickly and easily. The items purchased are then refurbished and sold or rented through various channels including online and through wholesale partnerships. The largest supplier to the company is the public, selling their unwanted items, however to enable the Group to operate it has an extensive supply chain including a wide range of suppliers, subcontractors and partners of which each also have their own suppliers, subcontractors and partners. The Group is therefore connected to multiple supply chains through supply relationships across many countries. The company employs approximately 550 people who are based in the UK and the US. The majority, are directly employed by the company, with a number of agency workers complementing our staff levels. With the majority of our people being directly employed, the greatest risk of slavery and human trafficking to the Group is outside of its organisation and in the supply chain. A large proportion of the consumables used within the company are manufactured in the UK. This includes cardboard boxes, bubble lined envelopes and other packaging items. Having reviewed our business operations and supplier relationships, we believe that the area which are at highest risk in relation to modern day slavery and human trafficking is that of the purchase of technology parts and accessories. To that end, we have ongoing and open communication with our suppliers to reinforce our values in relation to taking steps to remove the risk of slavery or human trafficking within our business or supply chain.
Due Diligence
We have processes in place to highlight potential risk areas. Suppliers to the business are required to
- Confirm whether they are subject to the provision of the ACT; and Either
- Provide url links to their modern slavery statements; OR
- Detail how they comply with the main provisions of the Act
This information is retained on file and is subject to periodic update.
We encourage openness at work and encourage all employees to raise any concerns to us, including any concerns in relation to colleagues. All concerns raised under the whistleblowing policy will be fully and fairly investigated, and we will support colleagues who raise genuine concerns under this policy, even if they turn out to be mistaken.
Training in relation to modern day slavery has been completed by key personnel to enable them and us as a business to identify the risks, and respond appropriately.
Our Effectiveness in Combating Slavery and Human Trafficking This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes musicMagpie plc’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30 November 2023.
Steve Oliver
Chief Executive Officer