woman meditating

How to stay fit at home during isolation

Gyms and leisure centres across the country have shut down. On top of that, the government has instructed you can only leave your house to perform one exercise per day. Naturally, this has got people thinking about how to keep fitness levels up during isolation. We understand that not everyone …

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friends laughing

7 Ways to stay social during isolation

Whilst many of us have adopted self-isolating routines already, it became all the more real after Boris Johnson recently  announced new measures to encourage social distancing. Naturally, family and friends who live distantly from each other are uncertain about the next few weeks.  If you’re feeling your social needs dwindle …

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people holding hands

The Top Free Mental Health Tracking Apps

With Coronavirus (COVID-19) affecting people’s moods in lots of different ways, especially those working from home (WFH), we’ve decided to create a roundup of our favourite apps to keep your mental health on the right track. Working from home has been proven to increase feelings of isolation, anxiety, loneliness and …

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