
How to organise your smartphone

We not only spend our lives on our smartphones, we put our lives into them too. Endless pictures, messages and apps create a cluttered digital space that can become stressful. A messy workspace or home would get tidied, so why wouldn’t your phone? It’s easy to get started and once …

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6 amazing benefits of decluttering

It’s no secret that the British public love a bit of hoarding. Countless studies have shone a light on our habits: our Nation of Clutter study found that the average home contains 186 items of clutter, while a Compare the Market survey found that UK residents hoard more than their …

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9 tips to help you declutter in 2017

Britain is a nation drowning in stuff. You know, stuff: the things you don’t really need anymore, the objects that sit around your house doing nothing but gathering dust. Our own research from a couple of years ago found that the average person owns 186 items of clutter, with 93% …

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