Are You Addicted To Your Mobile Phone?

Do you spend more time with your phone than your family? Are you terrified of missing your friends' Instagram pictures of their dinner? Do you feel like you're missing a limb if you leave your phone at home? Then you might just be addicted to your smartphone! Find out how …

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No mobile

Giving up your mobile phone? Here's how to survive!

There you are, walking along with a big grin on your face, when it hits you: you've left your phone at home! Or, perhaps, you're giving up your mobile phone for a while. Either way, you're going to have to learn to cope without it, and fast. Follow the tips …

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Phone Box

6 alternatives to mobile phones

It'd be difficult to imagine life without a smartphone, although that's exactly what a lot of people are doing. Tired of spending their lives staring into a screen, an increasing number of people are ditching their smartphones and switching to alternative forms of communication. But how exactly is one supposed …

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Mobile Phones of the 80s

These sleek, sophisticated and light-weight handsets paved the way for the iPhones and S4s of today, we've taken a closer look at them. Back in the 1980s there was a bit of a revolution going on; it involved talking while you were walking. Yes the mobile phone, so often taken …

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