Stranger Things

Stranger Things: Where are they now?

Our favourite retro sci-fi hit is back! Stranger Things series 2 has finally dropped, picking the action back up in the dazzling heydays of ”˜84. And while the show’s 33-years-ago setting is possibly our favourite thing about it, it did get us thinking… An era on from the synth-soaked neon …

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stranger things logo

What will happen in Stranger Things Season 2?

Warning – this post is crawling with spoilers! If you haven’t watched Stranger Things yet, turn back now and return later. Or just read it. But don’t say we didn’t warn you. Forget football, superheroes and the Olympics: 2016 belongs to three boys, their psychic friend and a weird dimension-shifting monster. Stranger …

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Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Love Stranger Things? Then you’ll love these movies too!

Stranger Things has taken the world by storm, confining millions of people to their couches in a binge of 80s throwbacks, Spielbergian adventures and Stephen King-esque spookiness. A second series is almost certain but until then, here are a few of the movies that inspired the show to fill the …

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