Expendables 3

Guns, guns, guns: the best movies made by the cast of The Expendables

Zimmer-frame mounted machine guns at the ready, everyone: the Expendables are back for another round of guns, glory and stunts that no man over the age of 50 should be attempting.

The cast of The Expendables 3 reads like a who’s-who of action movies, with legendary muscle-bound stalwarts like Stallone and Schwarzenegger crushing skulls when they should probably be playing bridge, or complaining about the local youths riding their bikes on the pavement.

Needless to say, the collective cast of The Expendables 3 have made a lot of movies between them ”“ here are some of our favourites (please note: we’ve only picked one movie per actor; otherwise, this post would consist solely of Harrison Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger movies).

Blade Runner

Who’s in it?

Harrison Ford.

Why is it good?

This sci-fi noir classic from one of the new members of The Expendables has influenced everything from Inception to Sin City, with its stunning visuals and mind-bending plot.

Plus, Harrison has never been cooler than as a hard-boiled detective hunting down androids (sorry, Indy fans).

The Road Warrior

Who’s in it?

Mel Gibson.

Why is it good?

Our Mel comes to the rescue of a post-apocalyptic outpost under siege from an army of beefcakes in bondage gear. The Road Warrior is every bit as ridiculous as it sounds, with possibly the greatest car chase ever committed to film.

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Who’s in it?

Arnold ”˜Arnie’ Schwarzenegger.

Why is it good?

You might have noticed that Arnold Schwarzenegger, despite having legions of dedicated fans, isn’t that great of an actor.

But who else on the planet could have taken on the role of an emotionless cyborg with an Austrian accent and made it their own? Not Robert de Niro, that’s for sure.

Joking aside, Arnie’s performance ”“ and his underappreciated comic timing ”“ make Terminator 2 the film it is, a brilliant action romp that is equal parts thrilling, terrifying and funny.


Who’s in it?

Sylvester Stallone.

Why is it good?

Oscars, baby. Stallone’s tale of a deadbeat boxer who takes a pop at the champ captured the hearts and minds of movie fans (and the famously hard-to-please Academy) everywhere when it was released in 1976, catapulting Sly to stardom and marking the beginning of a career which didn’t exactly continue down the same path (Stop or My Mum Will Shoot, anyone?)

Nevertheless, Rocky remains a classic and is still Stallone’s best film by far.

Masters of the Universe

Who’s in it?

Dolph Lundgren (AKA Ivan Drago from Rocky IV).

Why is it good?

It’s not. It’s actually pretty rubbish. For full-on kitsch ’80s action though, it simply cannot be beaten. BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!

Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels

Who’s in it?

Jason Statham.

Why is it good?

It introduced the world to the wonderful ”˜London gangsters undertaking a stupid scheme’ genre, as well as everyone’s favourite bald hard man (who isn’t Phil Mitchell). Actually, that first one probably isn’t a good thing.


Who’s in it?

Jet Li.

Why is it good?

Two words: amazing kung-fu.


Who’s in it?

None other than Terry Crews.

Why is it good?

Alright, so it’s not particularly macho but Bridesmaids is a very, very funny film. Crews, in case you were wondering, plays to type as a very angry boot camp instructor.

White Men Can’t Jump

Who’s in it?

Wesley Snipes.

Why is it good?

1. Woody Harrelson plays a hustler who is incredible at basketball (which is especially weird if you watch True Detective before White Man Can’t Jump.)

2. Wesley Snipes is incredible as fellow hustler Syd Deane.

3. It has the best title ever.

Which of the many films made by the cast of The Expendables is your favourite? Let us know in the comments.

If you’ve grown a bit tired of explosions and gunfights (not likely), then you can always sell your action DVDs with musicMagpie.