5 inspirational decluttering tips from the movies
Anyone who reads this blog regularly (hi, Mum) will know that there is nothing we love more than entertainment and decluttering.
The two don’t cross over very often ”“ a movie about tidying up would be rubbish ”“ but every now and again, we’ll watch a movie and think ”˜hey! That would be a good way to declutter!’ (which might explain why we watch so many movies alone).
Here are a few of those moments; check them out if you’re planning to declutter soon.
A Spoonful of Sugar ”“ Mary Poppins
This is possibly the most famous cleaning scene in movie history, with chirpy nanny (and suspected witch) Mary Poppins teaching the children in her care that cleaning can be fun with the right attitude (and a ridiculously cheery tune).
What can we learn? A positive attitude is important when decluttering, as is listening (or singing) to uptempo, jaunty music. We also learn that magic powers would be incredibly useful for clear-outs.
The Wolf – Pulp Fiction
Winston ”˜The Wolf’ Wolfe is undoubtedly cinema’s best declutterer. Faced with a car full of blood and brains, Winston keeps his cool and devises a plan to get the vehicle cleaned and get Vincent and Jools out of trouble.
Best of all, he barely does any cleaning himself. He gets the others to do it instead!
What can we learn? Keep your cool and devise a plan for tackling your clutter. If possible, enlist help and delegate out task. Wear a snappy suit and act like Harvey Keitel if you want respect.
Cleaning up the entire planet ”“ Wall-E
If you’ve ever looked at some clutter and immediately felt like giving up, pity poor Wall-E; he has a whole planet to tidy up. And he doesn’t even get paid for it (apart from getting to take home little bits and pieces. Come to think of it, his little home could do with a bit of a tidy)!
So, the next time you’re thinking about giving up on your decluttering session, think about little Wall-E and all he achieved in face of massive odds.
What can we learn? Even the biggest of messes can be cleaned up eventually. Robots in the future will be designed to look like kids’ toys.
The Death Star ”“ Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
The Death Star is one seriously big piece of clutter, yet Luke Skywalker and his chums had to get rid of it (although it’s unlikely your clutter has the ability to blow up planets).
Luke, for all his super powers, couldn’t do it alone, so he enlisted the help of his good pals in the Rebel Alliance and together, they devised a plan to take down the Death Star. It worked.
What can we learn? Teamwork is a good idea for tackling masses of clutter. Flying a spaceship looks incredibly fun.
The Nuke ”“ Predator
Like tidying up a huge collection of CDs and DVDs, the Predator found dispatching Arnie and his gang of goons one-by-one a bit of a challenge. Eventually it gets the better of him, and he has to do something very dramatic: blow himself up.
What can we learn? Sometimes it’s easier to just get rid of everything than spending hours picking out certain things.
Have you noticed any useful decluttering tips in your favourite movies? Share them with us in the comments below.
And remember, decluttering doesn’t have to be dramatic; just price it up, pop it in a box and send it to musicMagpie for FREE!
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