How to get back into reading  

Struggling to get back into reading? Perhaps you’re looking for a new hobby to pick up on a weekday evening, or your bookshelf is full of books you’ve bought but never even opened?

Whether you’re unsure where to start or you’ve been reading in reverse and are back at the first page, it’s time to dust off the cobwebs and give reading another try!

In this blog:

Make time to read

It can be challenging to find the time to do things these days, but reading sessions don’t have to be long and drawn out! Did you know that if you read for just 20 minutes a day, you’ll have read (on average) 1,800,000 words per year?

Taking this short time out of your day to pick up a book and have some time to yourself is all it takes to kickstart your reading habit again. Go on, give it a try!

Treat yourself

Think of that one book that you’ve always liked the look of. Maybe it was too expensive to buy at the time, or perhaps you needed a bit of encouragement (like this blog post!) to get you started?

We have a huge selection of recycled books available to choose from, so you might just find it on our site. From Sci-Fi novels to Autobiographies and everything in between, we’ve got cheap pre-loved books for all ages and interests. Shop books today!

Find somewhere quiet

Don’t make it harder for yourself! Reading somewhere you can get easily distracted will make it even more difficult to concentrate and get stuck in. Try finding a quiet corner of your home, office, or a café and relax with a drink. Avoid having the TV on in the background and try listening to music without lyrics, as this can also make it difficult to follow what you’re reading.

By preparing yourself for a reading session, you’ll be able to associate these steps with reading time and immerse yourself fully into your book, even if it is just for a short while!

Try something new


If you’re into a particular film or TV series genre, it might be an easy option to go for a book about the same thing. But why not push yourself and try reading something you’d probably never have thought of picking up?

This way, you might find a new genre interest you otherwise wouldn’t have found. We’re not asking you to read about Astrophysics (unless you’re into that…) but try stepping outside your comfort zone and seeing what else is available in the library or on the shelves.

Think of the benefits

Reading for just 6 minutes a day can help reduce stress levels and improve vocabulary too! As well as increasing your general knowledge and helping to keep your brain active and healthy, reading before bed instead of scrolling on your phone can help you wind down and prepare for sleep, providing you with a much better rest.

If you struggle with concentrating on things during your day-to-day life, try reading for just a short period every day. This will give you something to slow down and focus on.

Refresh your bookshelf

If your bookshelf is cluttered with books that you’re probably never going to read (be honest), then it’s a good idea to recycle them responsibly. Not only will you have more room on your bookshelf for new and exciting reads when you’re ready, but you’ll also feel less daunted by the number of books to choose from and will be more likely to find something you can get stuck into.

Recycle your old books and give them a new lease of life. They can go on to be read by others and what’s more, you’ll make cash in return…result!

Still struggling?

Don’t panic! Picking up a book again can take some time to get into. Be patient and try reading a little bit at a time. Give everything a go and, if you’re not feeling it a few chapters in, try a different book instead.

Reading should be a fun, enjoyable experience and provide you with the chance to escape your daily tasks. It shouldn’t feel like a chore!

We hope these tips have helped. If you’re in need of some inspiration of what to read next, why not check out our book deals? We’ve even got huge tech savings for you to browse across our refurbished phones, refurbished iPhone models and more. 

We can also help you make room for your books and make some extra cash. Head over to our Sell My Phone page to find out how much you could make from an iPhone trade in!