The Top 5 Most Traded Games

1) FIFA 14 2) Grand Theft Auto V Call of Duty: Black Ops The Last of Us New Super Mario Bros. There have been a couple of unexpected new entries onto our Most Sold games chart, including one Call of Duty game dropping out and being replaced by another. Why …

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Most Traded CDs

The Top 10 Most Traded CDs

Love music? Check out the brand new musicMagpie Store, where you’ll find loads of Vinyl records at amazing prices, from rock to pop to hip-hop and more!    Which CDs have people been selling the most of to us recently? We’re glad you asked… 1)      Whatever People Say I Am, That’s …

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DVD Chart

The Top 10 Most Traded DVDs

One of the most common questions we get here at musicMagpie is ”˜what DVDs do people sell to you most?’ Well, ask and you shall receive. Here are the DVDs our customers have sold the most of recently: 1) The Incredibles (2 Disc Collector’s Edition) 2) Silver Linings Playbook 3) …

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The Top 5 Most Traded Games This Week

 1) Grand Theft Auto V 2) FIFA 14 3) The Last of Us 4) Call of Duty: Ghosts 5) Halo 4 Why are people selling these particular games, and what upcoming titles might they be saving up for? Read on to find out… Grand Theft Auto V GTA V was …

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