How to switch from Android to Apple

The age old question of whether you’re into Android or iOS can see us all get a little bit tribal. When the latest phones come out, it’s totally understandable if you want to jump ship and join the dark side! If it’s time for you to move away from the …

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Donald Trump doesn’t know Tim Cook’s name

Another day, another blunder from President Trump. In a meeting that included Apple’s Chief Executive Officer – and arguably, one of the most recognisable people in technology – Tim Cook, Donald Trump mispronounced Cook’s name. And by mispronounced, we mean got it completely wrong. In regards to job increases and …

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What is 5G?

The UK is preparing for the almighty force of 5G. The upgrade from the current mobile internet, 4G, is set to roll out within the next year or so. But what exactly is 5G? When is it coming? We’ll break it down. What is 5G? The term ”˜5G’ means it’s …

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How the biggest players in technology became so successful

Do you know your Bill Gates from your Jeff Bezos? Did you think Elon Musk was a fictional character? Take a look at some of the most powerful people in tech, who are responsible or have working in some of the biggest companies in the world. Elon Musk Net worth: …

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iPhone X

Apple replaced 10 times as many batteries as expected in 2018

Apple replaced 11 million batteries in 2018, more than 10 times the amount they would have normally replaced, according to Daring Fireball’s John Gruber. The influx of battery replacements is down to the new cut price battery replacement programme. Following backlash from the revelation that older devices are ”˜slowed down’ …

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