6 top Christmas decluttering tips

Christmas is coming, which means you’re no doubt stressing about presents, food and visiting relatives. You may also be stressing about getting your house ready in time for the big day. Even if you’re not having visitors over the festive period, getting your house in order is an important part …

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6 amazing benefits of decluttering

It’s no secret that the British public love a bit of hoarding. Countless studies have shone a light on our habits: our Nation of Clutter study found that the average home contains 186 items of clutter, while a Compare the Market survey found that UK residents hoard more than their …

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9 tips to help you declutter in 2017

Britain is a nation drowning in stuff. You know, stuff: the things you don’t really need anymore, the objects that sit around your house doing nothing but gathering dust. Our own research from a couple of years ago found that the average person owns 186 items of clutter, with 93% …

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How to declutter when you can’t be bothered

Decluttering is an important thing that most people can’t be bothered to do. And we don’t blame them; why would you want to tidy up when there is literally enough entertainment out there to fill multiple lifetimes? But it must be done, which means you need to motivate yourself somehow. …

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10 top tips for spring decluttering

Spring is nearly here, although you probably haven’t noticed what with all the snow and sub-zero temperatures. Still, you might be having a spring clean regardless. Decluttering is a big part of spring cleaning, giving you more space and giving your home a new lease of life. It isn’t always …

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6 essential tips from decluttering experts

Although it may sound like a posh word for tidying up, decluttering is not as easy as picking up a few things and chucking them out. In fact, it’s difficult if you don’t know where to start and how to keep going without breaking down while knee-deep in stuff. That’s …

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