The most exciting E3 announcements

The hottest anticipated gaming convention has taken place! Taking place in Los Angeles between June 11 and 13 (with a few announcements taking place beforehand), E3 was brimming with amazing concepts and super exciting games. Gaming giant Sony didn’t take part this year, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty …

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Two months on: is the Nintendo Switch worth it?

The Nintendo Switch hit shelves two months ago and reaction to the console has generally been positive. But is it worth splashing your hard-earned cash on one? Here’s our verdict… The Concept Nintendo love a gimmick, although their experiments don’t always pay off. The DS and the Wii were huge successes …

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5 surprising early versions of your favourite tech

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were your tech products. The chances are it went through loads of iterations before emerging as the sleek device you love today, and some of these iteratations are…well, pretty shocking, to be honest. Here are some surprising early versions of beloved gadgets. …

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