A Game Controller

The Hardest Games Ever Part II: This Time It’s Personal

Last year, we put together a list of the hardest games ever, that kind of games that will make you smash controllers, swear like Gordon Ramsey with a stubbed toe and sob uncontrollably at their superiority. Well, the fun doesn’t end there because we’ve found 10 more games that will …

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Batman Returns

10 of the greatest superhero video games ever

While our favourite tights-wearing crime-fighters have dominated the big screen for years now, they’ve never had the same success with videogames. Most range from the average to the awful (we’re looking at you, Superman 64), although there are a select amazing few. Here are our favourites from over the years. …

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A Game Controller

5 video games that will swallow your life whole

Games used to be a fun distraction for a few hours. Now, they’re a way of life. Here are 5 games that will eat up all of your free time – start writing goodbye notes to your friends and family now. Destiny Released in 2014, Bungie’s MMO is one of …

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8 of the Best Celebrity Appearances in Video Games

No matter how much we deny it, people can’t get enough of celebrities. There’s something about a famous face that just gets people excited ”“ which probably explains some of these completely random celebrities in video games! Bruce Willis ”“ Apocalypse On the face of it, Bruce Willis’ involvement in …

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7 surprisingly difficult videogames from your childhood

There’s been a lot of hype around Bloodborne, an insanely difficult RPG from the creators of Dark Souls, this week. Released on Tuesday, the game has been praised to the sun for bucking the trend of games getting easier. We remember the days when more or less every game was …

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