
Your eyes will thank you for watching these 10 movies on Blu-Ray

The movie industry spends billions of dollars trying to make movies as eye-poppingly gorgeous as possible, only for people to watch them on tiny smartphone and tablet screens. In fairness, not all movies need the home cinema experience. But some movies are best enjoyed on a huge screen on Blu-Ray. …

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Sad Ben

Friday Five: Movies to Cheer Up Sad Ben Affleck

Poor old Ben Affleck has had a tough week. Not only did Batman vs Superman got a battering from critics (although we’re sure all the money it’s made has cushioned the blow), but a video showing Ben seemingly dying inside has become a bigger hit than the movie itself. He …

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Batman Superman

Batman v Superman: Who has the best movies?

Two of the biggest superheroes in the world duke it out on the big screen this weekend. But who has starred in the better movies over the years? We’ve taken 6 Supes and 6 Bats films, worked out an average score based on critic and audience reviews and pitted them …

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Batman Returns

10 of the greatest superhero video games ever

While our favourite tights-wearing crime-fighters have dominated the big screen for years now, they’ve never had the same success with videogames. Most range from the average to the awful (we’re looking at you, Superman 64), although there are a select amazing few. Here are our favourites from over the years. …

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6 of the best films (n)ever made

Getting a film made is difficult. You have to come up with a great idea, find funding and hope that the powers that be won’t shut down your idea at the last minute. Every movie that gets made is a miracle (even the terrible ones). Unfortunately, the complexities of getting …

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