May’s New Releases
It’s May (already!), and there’s a whole host of new music, film and game releases coming your way…
It’s a new month, which means there’s a brand new batch of music, movies and games for you all to get your mitts on. Here’s our pick this month:
Sheezus – Lily Allen (5th May)
It’s been 5 years since Lily Allen released an album, so expectations for the clever-titled ‘Sheezus’ (although we’re sure Kanye West would disagree) are high.
Allen has taken a bit of an odd approach to promoting ‘Sheezus’, agreeing with a Twitter user that the singles released so far are ‘docile pop rubbish’ while promising the good stuff is on the rest of the album. A weird approach, but only time will tell if it pays off (or if she’s telling the truth).
Ghost Stories – Coldplay (16th May)
Oh, good; a new Coldplay album. Alright, so they aren’t the most exciting of bands but Mylo Xyloto was alright and ‘Paradise’ was a great song.
We weren’t too keen on the first song released from Ghost Stories, but hey, at least Chris Martin and the boys are trying something different. Pick up a copy, if only to cheer up Chris after his recent ‘conscious uncoupling’ (that’s divorce to you and me) from Gwyneth.
Pompeii 3D (2nd May)
Take one big volcano, a city full of hapless victims and some dodgy 3D effects and what do you get? Pompeii 3D!
It’s fair to say this won’t be the most artistically accomplished of films, but it might be worth a watch if you like big explosions and molten lava.
Bad Neighbours (2nd May)
Seth Rogen and Zac Efron are the neighbours at war in this comedy, which (based on the trailers) seems to consist of little more than Rogen being fired violently out of various seats.
Still, Rogen is always funny and the previews suggest that Efron is right at home playing an obnoxious Frat leader. A good Friday night film, probably!
Godzilla (15th May)
Say ‘Godzilla’ and we’re immediately taken back to the terrible 1998 version starring Matthew Broderick and soundtracked (partially) by Jamiroquai.
So we weren’t particularly excited by the prospect of a remake. Not until we heard who was going to be in it: none other than Walter White himself, Bryan Cranston.
Cranston plays a scientist (which sounds promisingly familiar) tasked with taking down the world’s angriest lizard. Yeah, science!
X-Men: Days of Future Past (22nd May)
Old X-Men meet new X-Men in this superhero blockbuster, which merges the 2000s X-Men films (Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart) with the more recent ‘First Class’ series (McAvoy, Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence).
Basically, every X-Man (and woman) ever is going to be in this film, and it looks brilliant. There’s time-travelling, robots and, of course, Wolverine kicking a lot of butt.
Postman Pat: The Movie (23rd May)
The film we’ve all been waiting for. Don’t lie, you know it’s true.
Watch Dogs (27th May)
Finally, a game about the ever-successful BBC television moan-a-thon ‘Watchdog’! We can’t wait to play as Anne Robinso-
Oh no, hang on, it’s actually a game about hacking that looks a bit like GTA-meets-Deus-Ex. And, to be fair, it looks pretty amazing. Get saving your pennies (sell some games, if needs be…).
Mario Kart 8 (30th May)
This needs no introduction. Prepare to get extremely angry at people throwing red tortoise shells at you.
iPhone 6?
Well, maybe. There were reports at the end of last year that the iPhone 6 would be coming out in May, although Apple have said nothing on the matter so far and most signs point towards it being released later this year (or even next year). Fingers crossed, eh?
If you need a bit of spare cash to afford this month’s new releases, sell your unwanted CDs, DVDs, Clothes and Electronics with musicMagpie!
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