The Evolution of Mobile Phones

Ever since their introduction to the market way back in 1983, Mobile Phones have been constantly changing to adapt to new technologies. But what are the main differences between Mobiles when they first came out, and the models we use so much in our daily lives today? Take a look at our interactive slider below to compare past and present features of Mobile Phones.

Web Browsing ”“ Peter Buckley of Visual-i

“Web browsers have evolved rapidly since the Unwired Planet mobile browser”In 1996 Nokia produced the first mobile phone with web browsing and a flip out keyboard. Your internet browsing experience on this phone would have been awkward, slow with the phone only having a 33 MHz processor and a monochrome display.”Accurate voice recognition software is a landmark innovation for mobile phones”

The recent introduction of mobile phones with voice recognition and web browsers able to support voice search have made internet browsing a much more pleasurable experience. Web browsing software will continue to evolve with more advanced versions of voice recognition playing a bigger part in our web browsing pleasure.


Charging & Battery Life ”“ Rob Boyle of Geeks Have Landed

Smartphones and all the wonderful features you can now access all come at a price, long gone are the days when a single charge on your Nokia would last a whole week.

With the demands on the modern lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries being bigger than ever the average user is never a day away from a full charge. A battery between 40% ”“ 80% charged is within its peak performance bracket. A phone charging overnight drains your battery.


Phone Size & Screen Resolution ”“ Richard Goodwin of Know Your Mobile

Phones are getting bigger. And yet, people are still surprised by this trend. But they really shouldn’t be. Most people do everything on their phones these days, from watching film trailers and sending email right down to IM and calling.

They are now integral to our lives; without them we’d be less productive and less connected. They are multipurpose machines capable of running a business, your social life, entertaining you for hours on end and much more besides. And for this reason, the display and resolution has HAD to get bigger and better.

It’s like a mini-HDTV-computer for your pocket that also takes pictures and can interact with your home’s appliances and monitor your activity.


Cameras ”“ Fabio Virgi of Let’s Talk Tech

Smartphone cameras are getting progressively better year after year. From Nokia’s impressive 1020 to Samsung’s new Galaxy 6 and the ever-impressive iPhone 6, the sheer quality of these integrated cameras begs the question: do we actually need to carry around a dedicated camera anymore?

Cameras enable people who couldn’t otherwise afford a top-of-the-range DSLR to take really incredible photos and video. It really positively impacts the way people use social media. Snapchat has taken the social world by storm, and with new platforms like Meerkat and Periscope in the mix too, smartphone cameras enable the average person to put out really good quality content in a way that has never been possible. It’s incredibly exciting.


Communications ”“ Ben Wagenaar of

For many years, the most powerful devices you could access were at school, college or work. Today, your smartphone is likely to be better than anything your employer can provide, but this upward pressure has had some huge changes on enterprise, too.

With smartphones being a device consumers cling to every day, there is a large opportunity to enrich their experience, particularly in location-based services (such as beacons, NFC and Bluetooth connectivity). But there has to be a value exchange i.e. something in it for the users. Having adverts pop out from augmenting camera displays looks great fun, but why should a consumer do it if there is nothing it for them other than seeing your brand name?


If you’re thinking you need to upgrade your device to keep up with the trends, then visit our Sell my Mobile page and get a valuation instantly now.