How to keep your phone performing well as it ages

Trying to get the most out of our phones is important. We spend a lot on these little devices, so we want to get out money’s worth! Plus, we fall in love with our phones and don’t want to change them too often. So, how to you make sure your …

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Who will win the Game of Thrones?

The epic Game of Thrones returns in just a month! The final season is on the horizon, and there are plenty of rumours around what will occur in the final episodes. If you haven’t watched all seven seasons so far, then shame on you. But, be prepared for spoilers ahead! …

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Three new Samsung Galaxy phones unveiled

New pages on the Samsung website seem to confirm that three Galaxy A phones are on their way. The Samsung Galaxy S10 range ships today, but it appears the smartphone giant are set on what is coming next. The phones are named A20e, A40 and A90. Although pages have been …

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Airbnb acquire HotelTonight

Room booking giant Airbnb have made a new acquisition, buying a last-minute hotel company, HotelTonight. The financial details of the deal have not been made, but HotelTonight were valued at $463 million in a private funding round in 2017. HotelTonight was founded in 2010, two years after Airbnb, as an …

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Donald Trump doesn’t know Tim Cook’s name

Another day, another blunder from President Trump. In a meeting that included Apple’s Chief Executive Officer – and arguably, one of the most recognisable people in technology – Tim Cook, Donald Trump mispronounced Cook’s name. And by mispronounced, we mean got it completely wrong. In regards to job increases and …

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Are we living in an episode of Black Mirror?

Charlie Brooker’s creepy creation Black Mirror has become a cultural phenomenon over the years. In the show, each episode is standalone ”“ depicting a time (which could be now or in the near future) where technology has a major impact on society. Brooker was inspired by The Twilight Zone for …

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A sneak peak into Game of Thrones finale

The final season of Game of Thrones is set to air in just a few weeks – and all eyes are on the potential victor of the Throne. Ahead of GoT’s April 14th release date, lifestyle outlet Entertainment Weekly have covered the upcoming season. This includes glossy covers of each …

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Energizer’s smartphone has the world’s largest battery

At Mobile World Congress, there have been plenty of smartphone announcements. One of the most eye-catching phones to be unveiled is the Energizer Power Max P18K Pop. Energizer licences its brand to Avenir Telecom for their mobile phone division, who have been manufacturing feature phones and smartphones for the last …

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